Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement Japan

Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement Japan: All You Need to Know

Amazon is one of the largest marketplaces in the world today, and the company`s scale of operations continues to grow every day. As such, it has become the go-to platform for many businesses and entrepreneurs looking to reach a broader customer base, particularly in Japan. However, for merchants looking to leverage Amazon Japan`s services, it is crucial to understand the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement Japan, which governs the relationship between the sellers and the ecommerce giant. In this article, we will explore all you need to know about the agreement.

What is Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement in Japan?

The Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement represents the legal agreement between Amazon and sellers who wish to use the platform`s services in Japan. The agreement is structured to regulate the relationship between Amazon and sellers and outlines the rules and regulations for using the eCommerce giant`s services in Japan. It covers various areas, including listing and pricing, intellectual property, customer service, payment, shipping, and returns.

It is essential to note that this agreement is binding for all sellers who wish to use Amazon`s services. Thus, it is crucial to read and understand the agreement thoroughly to avoid penalties or suspension of your account.

What are the requirements for signing the agreement?

To sign the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement in Japan, merchants must meet several requirements. They include:

A registered business in Japan: Merchants must be a registered business in Japan or a Japanese resident or citizen with a valid tax identification number.

Email address and mobile number: Merchants must have a valid email address and mobile number to create an Amazon account.

Acceptable products and Account verification: Amazon has a policy that prohibits certain products from being sold on their platform. Additionally, they require sellers to verify their identities before creating an account.

How to sign the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement in Japan

To sign the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement in Japan, follow these simple steps:

Log into your Amazon Seller Central account.

Navigate to the “Settings” tab, and select “Account Info.”

Select “Japan” as your marketplace and click “Register.”

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.

Agree to the terms and conditions, and select “Finish.”

After completing the registration process, Amazon will review your application before approving or denying it.


Selling on Amazon Japan can be a lucrative venture for sellers looking to reach a broader customer base. However, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement Japan. By complying with the terms and conditions, sellers can avoid penalties or account suspension. Therefore, it is crucial to read and understand the agreement before signing up to use Amazon`s services in Japan.

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